To manage a good file of credit to secure the loan is fundamental, since the moneylenders want to know clearly information and detailed of the people to whom they are going to assign the loan to them. For this reason, the applicant will have to demonstrate back that he is responsible in the payment for his debts, from time to the present. The third phase is: To look for the House! To analyze what you can buy. And to compare it and so you want to buy. Your tastes, location, size, amount of alcoves, baths, cook, deck, common spaces and other specifications.
To determine if Single is wanted house, Townhouse or Condominium. It is very important that a Real estate agent advises to you clarity with respect to the purchase of the property and that you use for it the computerized system that has access to all the properties of all the companies. Then, with the electronic key, you will have to visit the house that your you choose. In this phase the certificates of thermites, the guarantee of the property are had, the property insurance and the inspection becomes of the house. The fourth phase: Cierre! Preprarate ciudadosamente for this day. The closing of the loan for the purchase of your house is the last one meeting.
With her you finalize your loan and you obtain the keys of your house. In this phase it happens the investigation of the title, the study of edges and all that with the legal part of documents. The fifth phase is: It enjoys your House! Beam that your family is happy and contents, since they have delivered a very great attack when acquiring this new property. Disfrtala to the maximum, organzate as a good buyer and plans well your future. Dario H. Specialistic Ortiz in Loans for Houses Real Hispanic Estate & Financial Group LLC tel: 703-786-5580 " Creating abundance for the families hispanas" It visits our site in: ON the AUTHOR: Daro Ortiz was born in Medelln, Colombia, it lives in the United States next to all their family, and is Director of Real Hispanic Estate & Financial Group LLC. Specialist In Loans of House and Financial Adviser, offers to seminaries and conferences on finances and houses in the Hispanic Committee, Hispanic Home, Mapavi and other associations and institutions to help to the Hispanic community in different states. Columnista of the Two Magazine Magazine Worlds, distributed in cities like Washington D.C., Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and others. Daro Ortiz worked during many years in the industrial and financial area handling more than 200 employees in different companies and managed to take them at a good level of success on the basis of a planned, organized work and in equipment. The finances and the house have been always the basic subjects there are that it enthusiastic, and in those areas it takes more than 16 years continuous. The experience, the knowledge, the sense on watch, the attention to the client, the continuous study of all that with the finances and the house have been the base to help all Hispanic clients to invest intelligently and to that they also can materialize the dream to have their house in the United States. " listens to its program; The Way towards its Own Casa" Transmitter 1030 A.M. all the Thursdays 8:30 A.M. in Washington D.C. If you wish comunicarte with Daro Ortz, you can do it to this direction of email: Original author and source of the article
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