These packages they consisted of technologies improved developed from the existing technology. Additional information at CEO Angel Martinez supports this article. In its elaboration with priority products, the diversity of ground, the climatic conditions, ' were considered; ' status' ' of the socioeconmico environment and different stratus of producers. The system of praised planning involved researchers, technician, administrators and users in permanent effort of revision/consolidation/revision of objectives and goals (Souza & Brunet, 1989). The Company initially focava its mission in the development of the farming one having, as main beneficiaries, the agricultural producers and the consumers. Given the period of training of development of Brazilian agriculture, at that time, most of the technologies disponibilizadas for the research economically produced significant impacts for the producers. These had been the first actions of the Company with the objective to promote the productivity of the farming one (Souza, 1987).
The Circular Model In the Circular Model of Programming, instituted in 1979, orientaes of planning, norms and procedures to reach greater had been established efficiency in the generation process and adoption of technology. These abilities had been delegated ace Units of Research that co-ordinated the respective Operative Plans (Souza & Brunet, 1989). The Embrapa considered the development of systematic and dynamic actions in joint with the federal and state of research, agencies of assistance technique, agricultural extension and producing systems. The spreading of results was accomplished by means of the organization of events as days of field, units of demonstration, meeting, seminaries and others. Increasing attention was excused to the modern media by means of televising programs, edition of communication magazines scientific technique and, specialized spreading of information by means of periodicals and magazines and for other social medias. The accepted philosophy for the taking of decisions was of that research started and finished in the agricultural productive sector (Souza & Brunet, 1989). By means of the identification of problems of the producers the Company offered respective solutions for the disponibilizao of new technologies.
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