There is no doubt that Plurk has come to stay, and that every time we are more users who participated in it, planting face the almighty Twitter. And if they do not believe me, look at one of the images that lately has been turning over the Internet:
But what we, today Plurk just added a new role, which is none other than creating a line of times with different kinds of filtering messages public. To do this we need only go to, taking as filtering messages default location we have in our personal profile. But expanding the options that we can filter by gender, age, language, country, region and city.
The interesting thing about this feature is that we continue public postings by users depending on the filter that we have established, regardless of users who have added, which is a good opportunity to learn new users next to us if they want.
But if you do not believe that there is an active community, the test can take PlurkmanÃa, a new directory, and more complete, allowing us to meet members for their karma, location, friends, fans, friends and fans, many of plurks published, responses, and responses plurks, and recruited, along with other statistical data as curious as the numbers of users for every creature of Plurk.
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